Ericksonian hypnotherapy

My journey into this fascinating universe started during my college days, but it took shape definitively after meeting Ms. Ruxandra Bulzan. I realized then how simple you can bring back inner peace or how you can in less than 3-4 steps remove from your mind a fear or addiction, which can change the course of your life for years.

Hypnosis. You've probably heard about this term and you've probably thought about what it entails, what can happen to you during a trance, let's discover the answers.

Today you can change your life.

Learn everything you need to know about Ericksonian hypnotherapy and its benefits.  

About hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a regression of the conscious in favor of the unconscious. The secrets of the subconscious have been explored by the ancient Indians since antiquity, Herodotus mentioned that the Babylonians brought the sick into a special state to treat certain diseases, using persuasive suggestions for this purpose. The English doctor John Elliotson performed the first surgical interventions in a state of hypnotic trance. During the Second World War, hypnosis was successfully used in the treatment of war neuroses. 

Hypnosis is a deep state of physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It is a sleep-like state without being a proper sleep state because you are aware. Yes, you won't lose control even for a second. Anyone can be hypnotized as long as they want to. You cannot be hypnotized against your will! Also, if you are extremely skeptical of the effect of hypnosis or are scared, the success rate of hypnosis may decrease.

Ericksonian therapy is a form of modern integrative psychotherapy that uses hypnosis as a method to access the unconscious, the place where all the experiences, memories, feelings of each individual are found. It is a natural, present- and future-oriented psychotherapy process using natural hypnosis techniques developed by Dr. Milton H. Erickson. Ericksonian hypnosis is permissive and non-directive (classical hypnosis is directive) with a flexible character, the subject having the possibility in a state of hypnotic trance to find out that he has unconscious resources that he does not use and that can bring about his transformation.

Classic, traditional hypnosis uses authoritative language, using direct suggestions. Many people oppose resistance to order. Ericksonian hypnosis uses indirect suggestions, which are difficult for you to resist, because nothing is implicitly asked of you. They are often disguised in metaphors and stories. An example of indirect suggestion is "and perhaps your eyes will become more and more tired as you listen to this story, and perhaps they will want to close, because many people can, as you already know, experience a sensation pleasant, comfortable when they allow their eyes to close and relax deeply".

By definition, hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, in which the person involved disconnects from external stimuli and turns inward. This phenomenon also happens in everyday life, when we are absorbed by an event, a book, a movie, an action. It is a powerful, safe and respectful technique that explores the extraordinary potential of the human mind.

Hypnosis only opens the door to the universe itself, helping us to find the necessary tools to face new situations or to get rid of old habits. It is the perfect tool that we can use in personal development and in the transformation that we need here and now.

Another term that raises questions that you've probably heard before. Nothing to be afraid of, the trance just allows you to give up the hyper control of the mind in favor of the mechanisms with which we came equipped. 

And something else. trance can be present anytime and at any moment in your life without realizing it. How many times have you focused so hard on one thing that you lose track of time, but instead your concentration is at its peak? Yes, that means a trance.

There are many definitions of hypnotic trance. A useful one is: "a natural state of consciousness when the mind becomes inwardly focused." A concrete example is when you are so engrossed in reading that you lose track of time or don't hear your name when called. The hypnotic trance is a natural altered state of consciousness that can be assisted by a therapist using an induction text. It can also occur when you focus on your emotions or body sensations in regression therapy. It can also be created when you focus on your energy field while experiencing Reiki or in meditation.

The hypnotic trance can be compared to a daydream, with the hypnotized person being permanently conscious. Hypnosis does not mean sleep, but it can be compared to a state of drowsiness because during the trance alpha waves are activated, brain waves that are specific to the relaxed state of wakefulness.

When you enter the hypnotic state, your body will be relaxed, but you will be perfectly aware and focused on the suggestions you receive. This state is similar to the state of meditation. The therapist will use the suggestions established with you using a calm tone of voice.

Hypnosis is the procedure itself, and hypnotic trance is the state you are in during this procedure, a change in consciousness. 


To facilitate the hypnotic trance, the psychotherapist begins with an induction of relaxation followed by the trance itself, which is a text specially adapted according to the personality of the beneficiary and the difficulties he faces, which helps to activate unconscious resources to achieve the proposed objectives. We work with therapeutic metaphors, because metaphors are the tools that help to build new ways of thinking, in healing, transformation, the change we want to achieve. Therapeutic change is an active process that unfolds gradually, at the request of the beneficiary, at its own pace. When the hypnotic process comes to an end, the psychotherapist helps you come out of the trance.

No, you will be in control and you can decide to come out of the trance at any time and you cannot be hypnotized against your will and you are not put in ridiculous situations by the hypnotherapist.

Not. Hypnosis is a tool to rewrite a mental program, you can't be forced to say something or do something you don't want to.

I say hypnotherapy because hypnosis itself is a therapy, a healing method.

In hypnosis, the brainwave frequency changes from the light trance alpha state at about 14-8 Hz, to a deeper theta state of 4 to 7 Hz, and then to the deepest level, called the delta state, which can go down to at 0-6 Hz. When lower levels of brain waves occur, the level of conscious activity decreases. At some point, you can even experience drowsiness and all activity of the conscious mind seems to stop. As the critical filtering of the conscious mind is reduced, the subconscious mind accepts the information. So suggestions given in trance will likely go directly to the subconscious rather than in the waking state. Suggestions should be given repeatedly and, as far as possible, in different forms; direct and indirect suggestions, visualizations, metaphors and experiencing emotions and feelings. It may seem like the positive suggestions "wear off" after a few days, but that's only because the belief filter is still only accepting negative information and the scales are tipping back again. For this reason, you may need more than one session or repeated listening to a hypnosis recording with these suggestions.


This tool helps you in the process of personal development:

  • Non-chemical dependencies
  • Increasing confidence
  • Public speaking
  • Stress reduction and relaxation
  • Sleep difficulties – not falling asleep, waking up, restless sleep, nightmares
  • Reducing habits – smoking cessation, red nails, cheek biting
  • Weight – types of food, meal times, amount of food, snacks, exercise, metabolism
  • Help with exams, interviews, presentations and driving tests
  • Better results in sports
  • Simple fears, for example the fear of flying
  • Pain reduction, for example at tattoos or the dentist
  • Procrastination
  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, claustrophobia
  • Allergies


Hypnosis has many benefits and the results differ from person to person. It is used by psychologists in the therapy of traumas, phobias, addictions, insomnia, in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders, psychosomatic disorders, eating disorders, reducing or combating pain, post-traumatic stress and personal development. Now you know why you could turn to hypnosis therapy.

All hypnosis sessions are recorded and you will receive them after the completion of the therapy so that you have this safety and you can always listen to the recording again to make sure that you have received the right suggestions.

It may seem like the positive suggestions "wear off" after a few days, but that's only because the belief filter is still only accepting negative information and the scales are tipping back again. For this reason, you will need more than one session or repeated listening to the recording of the hypnosis session with these suggestions. So be worry free.


How will the collaboration go?

For tailored results, trust and connection are essential, so everything will start with a meeting to get to know each other and from there we will draw further steps to follow.

The consultation is an opportunity to discover your expectations regarding the session with me, as well as the history of physical, mental or spiritual discomfort states you have faced up to now.

It is a free discussion carried out by phone/online or face to face, in which we will discover together what you face or what prevents you from achieving the results you want. Then we'll decide, together, which therapies are right to help you find your balance. 

The time differs from person to person, but also depending on the therapy. Some people may need longer sessions, while others may not. You will definitely benefit from all the time you need.

All therapies can be done both remotely and face-to-face. You choose what is more comfortable for you. 

You can change your life today. Take control.

Does everything sound so nice? Seems too good to be true? Let's discuss more during a free consultation and convince yourself. You tell me what presses you, what holds you back, and together we start on the path of change.

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