Parts therapy

In us there is a constant struggle between responsibility and pleasure. We find out what each side really wants by discerning their inner conflicts. You overcome obstacles and get what you have wanted for a long time. 

Today you can change your life.

Find out everything you need to know about parts therapy and its benefits.  

About parts therapy

How many times have you used expressions like "part of me wants to do this, but something seems to say no" or "I would so much like to eat this, but I'd better not because I'll gain weight again"? 

Party Therapy is an advanced hypnosis tool. It is very effectively used in advanced hypnotherapy to resolve the inner conflicts the client is facing and to achieve very good results in fulfilling his goals. It is very useful if the customer's perception is that they do not have enough resources to solve the problem they are facing.

For example, in the case of a client who wants to lose weight but continues to diet that sabotages this desire, there are at least 2 inner parts: one that wants to achieve a better weight/body shape and another that makes them eats compulsively.

Using parties' therapy we find out the motivations of each party and come to a resolution so that the client gets what he wants more easily.

Think about how often you use all these expressions that I have listed and you will realize if you need parts therapy. It is normal for these situations to exist, but it would be more beneficial for you to reach an agreement. 

In the therapy of the parts we will start from a deep relaxation and we will focus on the mediation of the 2 parts of you in conflict, so that we reach an "understanding" that will benefit you as a whole.

It is an effective method in extinguishing internal conflicts, so that you can function daily at maximum capacity and efficiency.

Of course, we will also talk between sessions, it is very important to analyze the changes and how you feel. Please write to me anytime, it is very important for me as a specialist to know how you feel and to be able to help you every step of the way.

We can record any meeting so that you have this safety and at any time you can listen or see the recording, to reflect on what happened. So don't worry, you won't miss anything. 

How will the collaboration go?

For tailored results, trust and connection are essential, so everything will start with a meeting to get to know each other and from there we will draw further steps to follow.

The consultation is an opportunity to discover your expectations regarding the session with me, as well as the history of physical, mental or spiritual discomfort states you have faced up to now.

It is a free discussion carried out by phone/online or face to face, in which we will discover together what you face or what prevents you from achieving the results you want. Then we'll decide, together, which therapies are right to help you find your balance. 

The time differs from person to person, but also depending on the therapy. Some people may need longer sessions, while others may not. You will definitely benefit from all the time you need.

All therapies can be done both remotely and face-to-face. You choose what is more comfortable for you. 

You can change your life today. Take control.

Does everything sound so nice? Seems too good to be true? Let's discuss more during a consultation and convince yourself! You tell me what is holding you back from being the best version of you and together we start on the road to change.

How to get in touch with me

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