Sorela Vasile

Certified professional in alternative therapies, member of the Romanian College of Psychologists and the Association of Hypnosis and Regression Therapy

Let's discover how I can help you change your life today.

Discover more about me and my experience.

About me

Hi, I'm Sorela, a passionate and experienced practitioner of alternative therapies. With about 7 years of experience in exploring and applying these methods, I have come to deeply understand and use the subtle power of inner energies and vibrations to support the transformation and balance of body, mind and soul.

From childhood, I could feel the physical pains and inner struggles of the people I met. I was able to bring smiles to their faces and banish their pressures. For a while I wanted to live away from these extraordinary abilities, but after a while they demanded their place in my life. Remembering the happiness brought to people's souls by what I was doing in the past, I turned my dream of helping people into reality, becoming today the man you might need to meet.

I don't believe in coincidences, and I also believe that there are some invisible threads, like spider webs, that vibrate when someone needs help. If what I have to offer applies to your needs right now, surely the invisible thread between the two of us will shorten until we can reach out and smile.

With a holistic and empathetic approach, I have helped countless people discover and connect with their own potential for healing and regeneration. Whether you are dealing with everyday stress, emotional blockages or even physical disorders, I will guide you with gentleness and understanding on this exciting journey to inner healing.

Through the use of techniques such as Reconnective Healing, hypnosis and past life regressions, the Silva Method, phosphenism and others, I have come to create a safe and conducive space where beneficial energies flow freely, restoring balance and harmony to all aspects of your being. Each session with me is customized to meet your unique needs and intentions, helping you move toward authentic, healthy living.

In addition to my expertise in alternative therapies, I have also developed a deep understanding of the connection between mind, soul and healing. I will teach you how to improve your own self-healing abilities and how to maintain a lasting balance between mind, body and spirit.

Whether you are new to the world of alternative therapies or wish to deepen your knowledge and practice, I am here to support you with passion and dedication. I invite you to begin this fascinating journey to your inner well-being and a state of complete harmony.

And more importantly, I know what it's like to be in self-searching and inner wandering, I know what you're going to experience after all these therapies I practice because I myself have experienced them. So you will be in good hands. 

Programează acum o ședință cu mine și lasă-mă să te ghidez pe drumul tău spre vindecare și transformare, folosind lumina ta interioara si puterea vindecătoare a terapiilor alternative.

Am urmat Facultatea de Psihologie. Sunt psiholog cu liberă practică, hipnoterapeut certificat la nivel internaţional de către Regression Academy (U.K.) și Asociația de Hipnoză și Terapie prin Regresie, Practician certificat, Reconnective Healing® (Vindecare Reconectivă) și Life Coaching.

With light and love, 


My achievements

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years of
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assisted clients
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therapy sessions


Accredited psychologist with free practice

graduate of the Faculty of Psychology

Internationally certified hypnotherapist

by the Regression Academy (U.K.) and the Association for Hypnosis and Regression Therapy

Reconnective Healing

sau Vindecare Reconectivă

I want to gratefully thank some special ladies who have had an important say in my journey so far, in the realm of alternative therapies:

  • Andra Ivanov (co-sponsor of The Reconnection in Romania, certified practitioner since 2007 and teaching assistant and mentor for practitioners since 2008);
  • Ruxandra Bulzan (the president of the association of Hypnosis and Regression Therapy and one of the 10 people certified internationally by EARTh, the International Association of Regression Therapy, to teach advanced programs related to this type of therapy);
  • Adriana Sorina Stefanescu (transpersonal therapist and coach-phosphene-pedagogue. He currently teaches Natural Light "Phosphene" courses - Dr. Lefebure Metods@)
  • Monica Batir (Holistic therapist and trainer, International Access Bars and Energetic Facelift facilitator)
  • Anca Juganaru (Instructor at Silva Method International, founder of the "Therapist next to you" program and the "Romanian Association of Meditation and Mental Training")

Ladies, I respectfully bow before you, for all the contribution you bring to making a better, more balanced world and more aware of the inexhaustible tools of alternative therapy! Chapeau!


Cum ne putem regenera corpul prin stilumarea producerii de noi celule STEM?

Despre blocaje și călătoria ta captivanta către vindecarea interioara.

You can change your life today. Take control.

Does everything sound so nice? Seems too good to be true? Let's discuss more in a consultation to convince you. You tell me what presses you, what holds you back, and together we start on the path of change.

How to get in touch with me

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