Prices of therapies

Therapies are an effective way to remove blockages, find yourself, remove limiting programs that don't let you reach your desired goals and reach your best version.

You can change your life today. Take control.

Does everything sound so nice? Seems too good to be true? Let's discuss more during a consultation and convince yourself. You tell me what you're struggling with or what's holding you back from achieving the results you want, and together we can get on the road to becoming the best version of you.

If you don't have the possibility to work face to face, therapies can also be done remotely. 

Frequently asked questions about therapies

I have selected some of the most frequently asked questions related to alternative therapies.

The consultation is an opportunity to discover your expectations regarding the session with me, as well as the history of physical, mental or spiritual discomfort states you have faced up to now.

It is a free discussion carried out by phone/online or face to face, in which we will discover together what you face or what prevents you from achieving the results you want. Then we'll decide, together, which therapies are right to help you find your balance. 

The time differs from person to person, but also depending on the therapy. Some people may need longer sessions, while others may not. You will definitely benefit from all the time you need.

All therapies can be done both remotely and face-to-face. You choose what is more comfortable for you. 

The newest and most effective method for understanding healing and accessing it in this universe to trigger your evolution. 

Reconnective Healing is a process that accesses and reconnects to the infinite source of energy, love, Light and wisdom that surrounds us, reawakening it from deep within your being to allow regeneration and return to an optimal state of balance on all levels: Mental , emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Hypnotherapy it is a regression of the conscious in favor of the unconscious. Hypnosis is a deep state of physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It is a sleep-like state without being a proper sleep state because you are aware. It is a powerful, safe and respectful technique that explores the extraordinary potential of the mind. humanity

Party Therapy is an advanced hypnosis tool. It is very useful if the customer's perception is that they do not have enough resources to solve the problem they are facing.

Regression in a previous life represents the reactivation of the memory kept in the subconscious linked to certain events, from another human experience.

They are attachments to entities that a human being can have, whereby the entity obtains its well-being by taking Light from the human being. Attached entities block therapies (relaxation, meditation, hypnosis, parts therapy, past life and life between lives regressions).

The process of releasing these attached entities involves detecting them, then releasing them.

The process of interlife regression was discovered and developed by Michael Newton. He noticed that different clients told very similar aspects of the space between lives. The Life Between Lives Regression is designed to help clients receive answers to fundamental questions about their deep essence and mission in this life.

The journey to the life between lives involves 2 sessions:

  • Exploring the afterlife
  • Exploring the life between lives (identify what is the mission in this life, what are the contracts with certain souls, why did you choose the body you have, what are the gifts you bring with you to help you, etc.).

Inner child therapy  is a form of psychological therapy that focuses on identifying, understanding, and healing a person's emotional wounds and childhood trauma. Our inner child is a representation of us in multiple childhood moments.

Phosphenism is a set of techniques developed by Dr. Lefebure, with the aim of increasing cerebral capacities starting from a method based on physiological reactions.

The Silva method is a dynamic meditation. You learn special techniques of imagination through which you can reprogram your subconscious and negative programs to tap into their true potential and fulfill your goals. The Silva Method is exercise for the mind. It literally conditions the mind and thoughts to work for you instead of against you.

Every day you meet many people, move to a new home or invite several people to your home. It is good that after all these activities and more, you should do an energetic cleaning of the space where you spend the most intimate moments of your life. Cleaning the house of all these accumulated negative energies allows harmony to last. 

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